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The Midnight Visitor

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Kalispell, MT

I got out of my tent very carefully, so as not to disturb any sign from my visitor early this morning.

I was woken at 1:30am by loud sniffing. The loudest sniffing I’ve ever heard. Obviously I’d say that, being alone in a tent in the woods in the middle of the night. But still.

My heart immediately started racing and all I could do was lie there, eyes wide, frozen. Since my limbs weren’t working I figured I’d just listen and take part in this game of “Who Are You?”.

My first thought - Sasquatch. Naturally. Then my logic and reasoning skills kicked in. Nope, too close to the ground.

My second thought and the scariest possibility of all: skunk. Yes, I’d rather deal with a large, wild animal who could easily eat me for breakfast any day of the week. Skunk spray is where I draw the line, get in my car, and end this adventure early. Thankfully (yes, thankfully) this animal sounded much bigger than a skunk.

Coyote? Meh. Deer? Doubtful. I was relatively familiar with both of those and their movements/mannerisms and neither of those options made sense.

Bear. It sounded..fumbly. The best way to describe it. Especially as it decided it got enough snuffling in and went crashing into the woods across from me. That’s my guess. But we’ll never know for sure.

At this point, I was a rollercoaster of emotions. Half of me wanted to jump up and run to the safety of my car. The other half of me laid there with a small smile thinking that was the coolest thing ever, even a little exciting. To be a foot or two away from this animal, just living our lives, curious. If I had been sleeping in my car, which I normally do, I’d never have had this experience. This is what it’s all about, right?

I’m not so sure I would have done things the same a couple months ago.

Part of me, a crucial part, is now more awake and alive because of Mats for so many reasons.

We shared a love and appreciation for nature but his ran deeper and inspired me immensely. Not only seeing and admiring nature as a whole, but truly listening, communicating with it, and getting to know it on a more personal level. There was so much beauty in the way he viewed the world around him. It was infectious.

Also, don’t let fear win. Mats was a huge advocate for this - which I’ll share more on in the future. Have the courage to notice it and then choose the thing that scares you anyway.

Because more often than not, it’s the thing that also excites you.

And it just may bring a little adventure into your life.

Again, that’s what it’s all about, right?

More soon.

With love,

Me, Mats, & Duke

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Jul 30, 2023

Love reading your thoughts……so insightful…….one strong courageous woman……with a tender heart. Mats immediately recognized and shared with us on many calls to home. He knew he met someone very special.

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